Analysing The Political Economy

What AI Said About Nazi's, Language and Immigrants

This article aims to show, word-for-word what artificial intelligence systems say about the well-documented Nazi regime of the 1930s and the language used to demonise immigrant populations. The subject has arisen due to celebrity football commentator Gary Linekar’s recent comment on Twitter about the government’s immigration policy and the bad-tempered political debate it has caused. We have added examples at the base of the article to further demonstrate how language is being used in Britain by right-wing politicians and media outlets similar to that used in the 1930s.


This article was generated by Chat GPT. The 1930s saw the rise of Nazi Germany, a period in history that is remembered for the atrocities committed against various groups of people, including Jews, Roma, and LGBTQ+ individuals. However, it is important to also acknowledge the ways in which the Nazi regime used language to further marginalize and dehumanize migrant populations. This article will explore how the Nazis used language against migrant populations in the 1930s.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the Nazi regime relied heavily on propaganda to further its agenda (1). This propaganda was disseminated through a variety of mediums, including newspapers, radio broadcasts, and public speeches (2). One of the key themes of this propaganda was the idea of racial purity. The Nazis believed that there was a hierarchy of races, with the Aryan race being superior to all others. This ideology was used to justify the exclusion and persecution of people who were not considered to be part of the Aryan race, including migrant populations.

One way in which the Nazis used language to further this agenda was through the creation of new words and phrases. For example, the term “Untermensch” was used to describe people who were deemed to be inferior. This term was often used to refer to migrant populations, who were portrayed as being dirty, lazy, and uncivilized . By using this term, the Nazis were able to dehumanize migrant populations, making it easier to justify their exclusion and persecution (3).

Another way in which the Nazis used language to further their agenda was through the use of stereotypes. Migrant populations were often portrayed as being criminal and dangerous, with the Nazi propaganda suggesting that they posed a threat to German society (4). This stereotype was particularly prevalent in the propaganda surrounding Jewish migrants, who were portrayed as being greedy and manipulative.

The Nazis also used language to create a sense of fear and panic around migrant populations. For example, they would often exaggerate reports of crimes committed by migrants, using this as evidence to suggest that they were a threat to German society. This tactic was used to justify the creation of laws and policies that were aimed at excluding and persecuting migrant populations (5).

Perhaps one of the most insidious ways in which the Nazis used language against migrant populations was through the creation of a false sense of superiority among the German people. The Nazi propaganda suggested that Germans were inherently superior to other races, and that it was their duty to protect their country from the supposed threats posed by migrant populations. This sense of superiority was used to justify the exclusion and persecution of migrant populations, with the Nazis suggesting that it was necessary to maintain the purity of the German race (6).

It is important to note that the Nazi regime was not the first to use language in this way. The use of propaganda to create a sense of superiority and dehumanize others has a long history, and can be seen in a variety of contexts throughout history. However, the Nazi regime is perhaps one of the most well-known examples of how language can be used to further a particular agenda, and the consequences of this should not be underestimated (7).

In conclusion, the Nazi regime used language in a variety of ways to further its agenda of racial purity. Migrant populations were dehumanized and portrayed as a threat to German society (8), with propaganda being used to create a false sense of superiority among the German people. The use of language in this way had devastating consequences, and serves as a reminder of the power of language to both unite and divide us as a society (9). It is important that we remain vigilant against the use of language to further exclusionary and discriminatory agendas, and that we continue to work towards creating a society that values diversity and inclusivity (10).


(1) Adverts paid for by the taxpayer – Tory propaganda. The Guardian Oct 2022 (LINK)

(2) Perverting our political cultureThe growing list of ‘presenticians’. Sky News March 2023 (LINK)

(3) Right-wing newspaper headlines: Pole-Chancers, Betrayal of White People, Migrant Mr Big. National Handout Service. LBC – Why Do People Hate Refugees. April 2017 (LINK)

(4) Migrants rapists and murderers. “4,000 foreign criminals including murderers and rapists we can’t throw out. . . and, yes, you can blame human rights again.” Daily Mail front page headline Jan 2023 (LINK)

(5) Headlines creating fear of migrants. “Foreign criminals on our streets soar to new record”. Daily Mail August 2021 (LINK)

(6) Justifying persecution via headlines. “How many people were born abroad in YOUR area?” Daily Mail November 2022 (LINK). The Sun (LINK)

(7) Suella Braverman’s ‘crazy rhetoric’ on migrants stoking racism. The Independent December 2022 (LINK). The Arab News (LINK)

(8) How asylum seekers are dehumanised by the government. The Guardian March 2021 (LINK)

(9) Headline: The Tories must put an end to divisive identity politics. The Telegraph Newspaper (LINK)

(10) Diversity in the UK (LINK)


Other links

Tory party is ‘institutionally racist’, says former chairwoman (LINK)

Conservatives apologise to victims ‘hurt by’ Islamophobia and racism in the party (LINK)

Suella Braverman’s migrant’s speech like Rivers of Blood, says senior Met officer (LINK)

Suella Braverman’s rhetoric about migrants is stoking an increase in racism in Britain (LINK)

Racism and the Tory Party – From Disraeli to Johnson (LINK)

They all look the same to me: Racism in the Tory Party (LINK)

Why the Conservative machine turns a blind eye to racism (LINK)



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